Welcome to Quest2Wealth!

Thank you for visiting Quest2Wealth! 😁

I bet you came here to find out ways to make more money!

No, no! I can’t read your mind 😂, but I do know what you are going through.

Coming here to find a solution is a good first step!

Do you want Money or Do you want Success?

Money could be a solution to a few of your problems, but there is more to solving this financial problem than to just make more money.

“The solution that you require, is never close to the solution you are seeking” 🤔

In order to solve your financial problems, You need to create the foundation for success first.

How in the world can you do that!? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

No really! Does anyone have a clue as to how to actually do that!?

I didn’t know a single person, that I could name in my life, that knows how or has successfully found this answer. ☹️

I searched everywhere to find the answer to this, and all I found was people giving hints, but nothing of any practical worth.

I feel that this subject about creating success isn’t talked about enough. 🤭

We hear a ton about success stories out there, and how much success has changed their lives. That’s great and all, but how does that help you?

Listening to how success “made” their life better doesn’t help you understand how they created their own success. 🤔

You are essentially listening to a “happily ever after” story that you won’t understand how to recreate for yourself, because you won’t know what obstacles they had to overcome, or know how they learned to overcome them. 💯

Saying it that way makes it seem like listening to those stories is a waste of time right? 🤯

How did those successful people start from nothing, and build a foundation that allowed success to flourish?

If you were to just focus on the authentic successful people, you would find similar factors in the “from nothing, to something” stories. 🧐

Those authentic successful people, who are willing to share their beginning journey, all share similar core elements as being the key to their success!

Those authentic successful people mention how changing their perspective on things, improving their habits, and staying focused on their WHY allowed them to accomplish things that they never thought were possible. 🤩

The successful people never seem to go into detail as to how exactly they accomplished that success. 😭

Again I ask you!

How does listening about how these people created their own success, while going into very little detail as to how they did achieve success, help you recreate your own success? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

The simple answer is that it doesn’t!

It’s just a story that easily grabs your attention, so that you can wish you had their life of success. 😮

You might have a better idea about success after listening to those “from nothing, to something” stories.

“However, an idea without the plan, is just an idea that becomes a daydream.” 🤔

The solution you currently seek is finding ways to make more money!

However, your problem is that you are unable to retain or properly manage the money that you do have right now. 🤭

I know this statement might hurt! The truth only hurts if you are avoiding it. 🙄

This means that making more money, will result in spending more money.

Which means that the problem you have now, will still be your problem when you achieve more money. 😧

What does this mean?

Thinking about this situation this way allows us to draw up the conclusion that we are asking the wrong question! 🤯

How do you make more money?

Doesn’t solve your financial problems!

So then what will solve your financial problems? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

“The answer you need is never close to the answer you seek!” 🤔

The answer you require is developing better perspectives, a healthier lifestyle, and a powerful self-awareness that allows success to flourish! 🤩

Easier said than done! I know, I know.

Your perspective about success is easily misguided by the “happily ever after” part of the success story.

Success isn’t just flaunting all of your monetary achievements. 🤑

That’s what your Ego wants you to do. I have done that as well. What!? It’s perfectly normal! 😎

So then let’s focus on how success is created, and what success is comprised of!

There is a Key to Success, and you won’t believe it!

Success is a combination of many, many, many different things!

Like continuously learning, hard work, mental training, developing self-awareness, and practicing better perspectives on life. 🤩

Success is a blend of many, what seem like complicated things.

This makes us look at the whole picture of what success is made of, and then we are all like “ahhh he** naw! I am not going through all that suffering, and pain, for something that isn’t rewarded right after I put in the work!” 😤

I know, I know. Been there, said that! It seems most of us start out this way.

I can tell you it’s NOT worth thinking that way!

Success in its authentic form is daunting at first! For everyone! Even those who achieved great success! 😮

The trick is to find ways to keep chipping away at this consistently!

Success takes time, so let’s chip away at it together! 🤝

In order to get started on developing things required for success, you need to have a better understanding as to what wealth means to you.

If you were to ask any Successful person what wealth was, without hesitation they would be able to describe to you in many different ways what wealth is and what wealth means to them.

Almost as if their definition of wealth was the very air needed for success to thrive!

The key to success is developing a better perspective on Wealth!

What does Wealth mean to you?

Let’s start with defining Wealth!

What is Wealth? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Try to answer this honestly!

In your opinion, what is wealth?

When I first started my journey, I had no idea what wealth meant. What was wealth? 🤔

I thought that wealth just meant having a lot of money.

To me, wealth meant that all I needed was more money, and all my problems would instantly disappear! 💵

I mean haven’t you heard of this popular phrase?

More money! More problems! Ummm wait… that doesn’t make any sense? 🤔

More money! No More problems!

Sounds better! 😅

That had to be the answer.

I know what I’m doing! I did plenty of research! 😎

If it doesn’t work then something or someone else was to blame. Then excuse, after excuse as to why it wasn’t my fault.

That’s how I started out. This misguided perspective on life, success, and wealth sent me all over the place in life. 😲

Until a clarity about my situation dawned upon me one day.

I didn’t know what I was doing! 🙄

I was wrong! That took me a long time to learn how to admit that. 😳

I didn’t ever want people to know when I was wrong, or if I made a mistake, because it would make me look incompetent or inferior. 🤫

I am strong! Or at least I have to appear to be! Right? 🤥

I can’t look or feel weak.

That WAS me. 🤗

My question to you is:

How can you ever improve your rough situations in your life, if you are forever avoiding the very “problems”(*areas of improvement) that are forcing you to be stuck there? 🤯

Face Truth! Accept Criticism! Create a Stronger you!

Here is the truth!

“If you never try to figure out how to improve your rough situations, they will never get better, but they will always get worse.” 🤔

The above concept is what people like to call karma!

The point I’m trying to make here is that most of your “problems”(*areas of improvement) are made and created by you. 😮

Not anyone else! Not anything else!

You are the one responsible. Whether you’d like to admit it or not. 🙄

I couldn’t admit that for the longest time.

I didn’t want to admit that for the longest time. 🤥

You can only accept this fact that you are at fault, if you can stop yourself from blaming others, and/or making up a ton of excuses.

I’ve blamed a lot, and made a ton of excuses too! 😔

I can be wrong, and it’s not bad to be wrong, because I am trying to make things better! I know that practicing this perspective will allow me to make things better! 🙂

I know I can improve myself this way!

Practicing A Better Perspective! 🤩

That’s what you need to learn how to do in order to start chipping away at this!

Accept that you are a part of the reason, when it comes to your “failures”(*areas of improvements). 💯

Practice this over time!

Now if I thought that wealth was truly about money, what do you think I focused on?

If you said Money, congrats fellow captain obvious! 🤪

Hey! I take pride in being a captain obvious! It takes guts! and I’ve been the only captain obvious around who took this title seriously! 😜

Moving on!

I wanted more money! 🤑

I tried real estate, I tried stocks, I tried side hustles!

I made some money, lost some money, made a lot of money, lost a lot of money, and made some more money! 💸

The most important thing was that I kept going!

I have to keep going. 🏃‍♂️

I was doing amazing!

I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders! 😊

I felt happy!

There is more story after Happily-ever-after!?

That happiness ended up being short-lived for me.

In the middle of these monetary successes, I noticed something felt off. 🤔

Something didn’t feel right.

I was doing fairly good at making money now, but my gut was telling me that I was missing something. 🤷‍♂️

Something important!

I felt like I was achieving great successes, and would continue to do so. 😎

It didn’t make sense.

What could be wrong?

So I decided to investigate this feeling further. 🤔

I ran into the concept that most successful people refer to as their WHY.

What is your WHY?

WHY do you need to do this?

WHY is this important to you? 🤩

This is how to start out your journey towards wealth, because it’s the main thing that keeps you going through many different kinds of struggles(*areas of growth).

Success is created through many struggles(*areas of growth), and many failures(*more areas of growth). There was no going around this. 🙄

The “bad”(crucial) part required to create success was necessary!

The hard struggles and many failures(*areas of growth) are unavoidable, so we need to teach ourselves to push through these “tough”(necessary) moments, while becoming a stronger person at the end. 💯

I felt like I did a really good job at answering these questions from the beginning, because my WHY is the main reason that I got so far.

My reasons WHY I started out? 🤔

Maybe that was it!

I remember when my first son was born. I cherished the moment of becoming a father. ☺️

I gazed down at him, and was so mesmerized about what his future would look like.

At that moment in time, I hated my past. 😡

In fact, I despised my past. 🤬

I didn’t want my children to live even remotely close to what I went through growing up.

I wanted my wife to be taken care of, and not have many worries. 🥰

I wanted my family to have a better future!

I wanted to help people, and to give to those in need! 😊

I wanted to become a better person!

I remember that’s what my WHY reasons were, and it did help me achieve great successes in life. 🙂

Then the feeling of something being wrong revealed hints toward what I was searching for!

In a VERY messed up way. 😱

Wait! Who am I!?

I was doing this for my family, right?

What was I actually doing? 🤔

I started to ask serious questions, to figure out what was wrong.

What was the truth? 🙄

The truth! I have to know!

I realized I didn’t act like I was doing this for my family. 😱

Why was I taking my frustrations out on my family, and those who were close to me?

Why do I feel like spending time with my family was wasted, just because I could have spent time to trying to make more money? 🥺

These questions hit me hard.

I tried to defend myself with more blaming, and more excuses, but I ignored myself trying to do that. 🤫

I forced myself to face my truth!

I felt lost.

I felt confused.

I felt defeated. 😵

I mean was I at least trying to help people?

Nope. 😭

I was actually pushing people away from me.

I started to feel superior to mostly everyone around me. 😕

I started to look down on people for not being as good, or as smart as me.

I became more greedy, and more selfish. 🙁

I didn’t help people like I wanted to. Instead I was belittling them, and making fun of them.

I never gave to those in need. 😩

What happened to me?

I hit this devastating point in my life, with no way of finding an answer to this harsh question about ME. 😰

I couldn’t figure out what was going on with me for the longest time.

I NEED to figure this out over time, since I can’t seem to figure it out at all right now. 🧐

Which means I need to acquire, and practice patience.

I will figure this out someday! 🤩

I practiced better perspectives, formed many better habits, and focused on growing my self-awareness, because these practices seemed to be vital pieces of self-development that I was missing.

I was avoiding these practices before, because they seemed pointless to me in my beginning. 😓

These things seemed to be what I needed to solve the important question about ME. 🤔

What happened to me?

Well, the Truth was…

I slowly pieced together some VERY interesting things over time. 🧐

I WANTED to do those great things that were important to me in the beginning.

My WHY was my motivation! 🤩

However, my inspiration was money.

My perspective about money was influencing me to do things, that I didn’t notice I was doing. 😮

That’s why people LOVE to say “Money is the root of all evil!”

That was not true for me. 🤗

If I was to be honest with myself, which I continued to do my very best to be 😊, money didn’t make me evil.

I refuse to use this popular excuse, because I knew deep down that it was wrong.

I was this way, way before I started achieving successes. 😮

Money just allowed me to become more of who I already was.

I was already taking my frustrations out on people. 🙁

I was already making fun of people.

I was at least helping people a little bit here and there. Nothing major though. 🙄

I was already not giving to those in need.

Once I achieved successes, I just felt more entitled to doing those bad things without feeling as bad. 👿

That was all me!

Money didn’t make me do those things! 😱

Money allowed me to do those things, because I felt like I worked hard enough, and deserved to do those things now.

What do I want to do now that I know this? 🤔

I still want to build wealth for my family!

I still want to help people!

I still want to give to those in need! 🤩

I really do want to do those things!

But I know I can’t do those things being the person I am right now. 🤔

In order to do those things, I have to become a better person first!

I realized I had a lot more work to do now! 😃

I was now challenged with trying to figure myself out, and coming up with ways to become the person I need to be, in order to do the things I still want to do!

I did a lot more research since then, and will always continue to do so! 🤓


Self-awareness is very important, because you need to know who you are, in order to effectively improve your self-development strategies.

In simple terms, you can’t improve yourself if you don’t truly know yourself. 😜

While discovering who I was I noticed a lot more things about myself than I usually did.

I noticed that I was a very negative person. 🤯

I blamed others, still made excuses, and had many habits that favored negative perspectives.

When I tried to improve these things about myself, I seemed to get stuck in this inner battle with myself, and would lose to my negativity every time. 🤕

I have been negative for so long that my negativity would always win.

These inner battles intrigued me. 🧐

It’s like every time I got close to something I didn’t like, or hated, an inner Void was activated.

That Void would basically have me throw all the negative reactions, and comments I usually associated with the related topic. 🙄

Focusing on these Voids allowed me to see more about what I did.

These Voids were protecting me from a weakness of mine that I thought needed protection. 🤭

These inner methods were created when I needed to cope with these weaknesses, but I don’t need to continue reacting this way in my life now.

I can learn to become stronger! 🤩

I was A-Void-ing this part of me for my whole life. Hey! I’m a punny guy!

Now these inner Voids are the next obstacles that I have to overcome! 😀

I became dedicated with growing my positivity, that I clearly never had before, to become strong enough to overcome my negativity, which I’ve developed for most of my life.

Sounds like fun, I know! 😃

This dedication has given me the opportunity to become the person that I needed to be, in order to do those things that I still wanted to do.

This took time, and patience, but it was all worth the tremendous amount of effort that I put in, because I am doing what I’ve always wanted to do! 😊

As time went on, I found the answer to one of my first questions in the very beginning of my Quest2Wealth.

I finally understood what wealth was. 🧐

This is how I define wealth now!

Wealth is a harmonious balance between your family/friends, your passion(turned into work), your self-awareness, and your control of money. 🤯💯

This kind of wealth is what I want to help you accomplish someday for yourself too!

Please join me on these Quest2Wealth adventures as we journey through many “areas of improvements”(struggles) in order for you to embark on your very own Quest2Wealth! 🤩

Thank you so very much for taking the time to read this! 👏

I hope you enjoy consuming my content, and that you take the necessary steps to achieving wealth for yourself and your family!

“You are important! You just don’t know it yet!” -John Miranda

Fellow Quest2Wealthers!