Talk more about money, and less about what you’d do if you were rich.

Almost everyone I am talking to about money says having an unlimited amount of money would be amazing. You could buy everything you want without having to worry about the price, and throw it away right after using it if you wanted to. Why not? You don’t have to worry about anything. You could buy stuff you’d only use a little and move on to the very next thing. This is the type of money talk you have to try your best to disagree with, because this is a thought process of not valuing money at all. If you don’t value money or the items you buy with them you will never obtain complete satisfaction of that item. You will never be satisfied enough to be happy. This is a confusing thought because you think that money brings happiness, but when you actually do come into some money it’s like your life seems more meaningless. It’s like a void is opened up within you and you can’t seem to fill it with anything but you keep trying to anyways. This is a type of thought process that keeps people poor. This is the thought process that is spread among many people. This is the thought process that pushes people away from you, and forces you into a life that is miserable and isolated. I know for a fact that when I do become rich, this thought is a thought I will never have. I will never throw money away like that, even when I have millions. I will still see the people around me struggling financially, and I will still focus my efforts on assisting those with an open mind and potential to break their financial shackles of burden. I will use this valued money to build things I that I need to, so that I may scale my original plan. I know before this money comes into my life, I will not be placed into that situation because I’ve already built a mental environment that absolutely prevents that from happening. I just wish that there were more people with potential closer to me. The “magnet” is still the one Treasure I will continue to search for, after I build my stronger foundation. I will never forget where I came from, because it’s the one thing that makes me so ambitious. I can only get further in life because of my hard times, every single one of them. Each hard time has proved a point to me, and that is no matter what happens to me I always get back up stronger.

Thanks for reading,

John Miranda