You are going to spend the money anyways. Why not use some of it to try making more?

Doesn’t unlimited vacations sound better? If you sacrifice a couple of vacations, your investments will be able to pay for as many vacations as you want later. That are paid by your investments, not your sole source of income that you’ll be permanently bound to because of those huge payments. If you invest early enough in your life and become successful, you won’t need to work in order to pay for huge purchases. You could have as many vacations with your family as you want to, all paid by your investments, which you sacrificed many potential vacations early in your life. That’s a price that many people aren’t willing to pay for. I understand that time is a crucial factor, so for many people who are older I can understand your answer and I do appreciate them. You can’t take the risk of time or money you have left with family that is more important to you. I understand that very much so. My point is that every time people save up a decent amount of money now, it is recklessly spent on many different things along side many vacations (which aren’t bad), which means they will have to continue to work for the rest of their life in order to pay for their current lifestyle. When they do retire they are going to have to drastically reduce their costs and/or continue to work, and won’t be able to take as many vacations with family as they used to anymore. I agree that money isn’t everything, but it has a sly way of controlling people’s lives without them even noticing, and if they do notice it they won’t ever admit that it’s happening to them. I refuse to work for money for the rest of my life, because I want financial freedom to be able help as many people as I can in my life. In order to live a life where I can actually help many people, I have to make a lot more money and have a lot more free time to do so. Which means working for money for the rest of my life will halt those plans of mine. I can’t risk that. If that makes me look selfish and seem greedy, that is perfectly fine. I have to do what I need to do, in order to get to where I need to be. I’m just saying that vacations are a great time with family yes, but it doesn’t justify overdoing vacations and the recklessly spending of what’s left of their money, when they do have a surplus of money. I will sacrifice now while I still am at my prime, so that I won’t have to later. Which will allow me to help many people along the way to break this cycle of working for money for the rest of their lives, and obtain a freedom only a few select actual greedy people have. That is something worth sacrificing many vacations for, in my opinion.

Thanks for reading,

John Miranda