Money ISN’T the root of all Evil!

I hear the phrase “Money is the root of all Evil” used so much whenever people are talking about making more money. I can assure you that by the time you finish reading this, you will question if this phrase is true or not.

You have seen in the news or heard of many countless stories about Successful people who become financially rich, and are later found out for committing Evil acts. Those Successful people will try their very best to defend their name, and will think about where these Evil behaviors originated. The only thing that comes to mind is money. They will think that the only new aspect about their life that changed was the money. Money is the ONLY explanation as to why these Evil behaviors were formed that they can think of. As any normal person would do, they would blame something else as being the culprit of their actions, rather than admitting that they had a part in it. Why not blame Money?

These Successful people will truly believe this, so they will go out there and tell everyone that “Money is the root of all Evil.” This is where I will tell you and those Successful people that this is NOT TRUE! These Evil behaviors originated from them, and was always there to begin with. Money eliminated certain restrictions, which allowed those successful people to show who they truly are. People only behave the way that they HAVE to behave because of those restrictions. So in a way you don’t really know who they are until they are in a better financial situation. They aren’t held back anymore from showing the world who they really are! The key to understanding the Truth is Clarity and Perspective. So, allow me to elaborate, and please keep an open mind!

The main restriction that money eliminates, is the fear of consequences. When people exhibit daily behaviors, they don’t act on many negative thoughts due to fear of the consequences of those actions. Even though they really wanted to. When financial success is obtained, that fear of consequences is eliminated. That’s when people will do what they’ve always wanted to do, and they will show who they truly are deep down inside.

I always bring up “It’s the actions you choose to take when no one is looking or noticing, that dictates your integrity and who you truly are deep down inside.” This situation of exhibiting behaviors when no one is looking or noticing what you are doing, is another form of eliminating fear of consequences. You are simply behaving that way because you can get away with it, and know you won’t get in trouble. On the other hand, people who perform Good deeds without seeking recognition, or doing it while no one is looking are genuinely Good people.

Let’s use the Internet world as an example. When people know that their online comments or actions remain anonymous, this is another form of eliminating fear of consequences. These people who interact with the online world understand that no matter what they do online, their actions won’t have any negative consequences that will impact their life. This is why most people online are so devastatingly mean to everyone, because they know that they can get away with it without getting into trouble. Now this situation brings up an interesting point. 

Those Successful people who appear to exhibit Evil behaviors thought that money would eliminate all of their consequences. It wasn’t until the public noticed those Evil behaviors, that those Successful people claimed that “Money is the root of all Evil.”

What about the people who exhibit Evil behaviors online? When those people are identified as being the culprit of online Evil behaviors, you don’t hear them saying “the Internet is the root of all Evil.” Do you know why that is? It’s because not a single person would believe such a ridiculous statement. Everyone would know that the person was Evil, and that it wasn’t the Internet’s fault. Everyone has access to the Internet, so they would know that a phrase like that can’t be true. Not everyone has access to money, so the only phrases about money that are out there are based on unconfirmed theories. So why does everyone believe “Money is the root of all Evil?” Everyone believes this phrase because they aren’t educated enough about money, they don’t talk to a Good person who is financially successful, and the only people they listen to are the people who say “money is the root of all Evil.” The only people who say that phrase are people who heard other people say it, or people who have financial Success and were caught in their Evil acts. NO ONE is listening to the financially Successful people who are consistent with exhibiting Good behaviors, because it’s not a popular topic. There isn’t enough drama to attract enough attention to that sort of news. Think about it. 

You see, it’s only human nature to be drawn to Negativity. This is why rules are created, to prevent negative outcomes and behaviors. An environment without rules is chaotic, and Evil runs supreme. The common theme between all of these scenarios of Evil behaviors isn’t Money, it’s Negativity. Money is just a Catalyst for accelerating the growth of Negativity. Which is why people think that Money is the root cause of all Evil, because it is viewed as being the only visible difference in their life. When in reality Money creates an environment where Negativity flourishes. Negativity is regulated by Rules, Discipline, and Spirit. Negativity grows when eliminating fear of consequences. When Negativity is left unchecked for an extended period of time, it naturally evolves into Evil. Negativity is the root of where Evil is born!

The next time you hear “Money is the root of all Evil,” you need to stop this ridiculous phrase from being completed, and inform them of the Truth. It’s not Money, it’s Negativity! “Negativity is the root of all Evil!”

Thanks for reading,

John Miranda