Who benefits from Seminars and Workshops?

Successful people often choose to go down the path of hosting seminars and workshops to teach valuable skills that they’ve perfected over the years, but why do they do this? Believe it or not, Depending on how creative their mind is, there is a “personal limit” to how much earnings are generated from their investments. They will usually hit a cap on their ROI, or return-on-investment. ROI is how much money you can make vs how much money you invest into it. They can hire outside help to expand their “personal limit” to increase their earnings, but by that point their ROI won’t be as cost effective. 

They are still generating profits from those investments, but they seemed to have met their maximum cap on how effective their ROI is. Plus the fact that their living costs are rising along with those profits, doesn’t help their cause. As a business model, “Teaching” people valuable skills and how to become successful has many perks.

Teaching people a valuable skill, that you already mastered, is considered a complimentary business choice. Meaning this new business model won’t be included in that “personal limit” of success on that original investment. It will be in it’s own separate category. There is also a huge margin of potential profits involved with teaching people a skill that is highly valuable. They will be starting a new business, with a high chance of success, and a fresh ROI to start with. This means, they can make a lot more money, with less effort put in, shortly after starting it.

The business model of teaching people a valuable skill has very interesting things that happen within it. This business model is easily able to attract emotional attachments to potential clients through it’s “make your dreams come true” marketing campaigns. Meaning, more people will show up to their seminars/workshops, because they want to achieve those dreams. Only a few clients will become successful, of the people who signed up for training courses. The Trainers will then use their trained clients’ success stories to promote their brand, and widen their reach for attracting more future clients through more emotional marketing techniques. They also have their Successful clients promote them through referrals, and word-of-mouth. This allows the Teacher to boost their price for teaching these valuable skills, because these skills will be viewed as being more valuable due to all of the successful clients vouching for them.  When all of these events combine together, it vastly increases their overall ROI. Making this business model much more valuable to them. Not many business modes are able to create such high ROIs like this. Most businesses have decent ROIs, but if you want to make more money you need a process that can create more efficient ROIs, with minimal effort put in. This is how and why these Successful investors use this business model, in order to create a Money Making machine.

While using this business model there is one interesting piece that is never mentioned, that I’d like to point out. While this business model is able to create more efficient ROIs, it also lowers their customer success rates over time. This is a factor that they will never share with the public. They have the public’s attention, so they will focus on promoting their client’s success stories to keep more new business coming in. Their client’s successes won’t ever be as great as the mentor teaching those skills. They won’t spend enough time to train those Successful clients up to their level of skill, because there isn’t enough money to be made creating more masters. This would lower their ROIs quite a bit if they were to consider doing that. They will focus on recruiting more potential clients, instead of improving the skills of their already successful clients, because of their ROI numbers.

I think this business model is so wrong, because it preys on people’s dreams, with a hefty price attached. This business model works though. Which is why I plan on using similar methods, but it will favor people over Greed. I will not only promote my student’s success stories. I will find ways for them to become masters of their craft. Not everyone learns the same way, so I will find ways that will work for them. I will guide them to their true passion in life. I know this is a good idea, because it will lead them to finding their purpose and being genuinely happy with their life. I know this works, because I’ve witnessed it for myself firsthand.

I will always show my overall student’s success rates, because I value my student’s successes, over my ROI rates. I will only promote my student’s successes, if those students believe that they are successful. So my student success rates won’t be biased from my side, it will be based on my student’s opinion on if they believe they are successful or not. This means these calculations will be based on the truth, not skewed in the favor of some ulterior motive.  

Honesty is a tough concept to promote, when success is on the line. when forced to make business decisions, I believe that honesty is more important than success. Every single time!

My goal is to maintain a 100% student success rate! This might be too high of a goal, but I’m willing to put in the work to make this goal a reality. This is how you know I value people over money. If you don’t agree with my methods, you can always learn from those people/businesses who are willing to prey on your dreams for a hefty price. They can help you make a decent amount of money. They won’t help you find happiness in life by developing core skills necessary for success, and focusing on finding your passion like Quest2Wealth can. The choice has always been in your hands. It’s time for you to take control over your life!

“Let’s work together to make life easier!”